How to Get Rid of a Voodoo Doll Properly

How to Get Rid of a Voodoo Doll Properly

Voodoo Dolls are effigies of people that are made in cloth or wood and linked to them with black magic spells and curses. These affect that person either in body, mind or soul – usually in a very negative way. The dolls are as life-like as possible and are often adorned with a lock of hair or jewelry belonging to the person. Voodoo Dolls can have pins inserted in different parts of the body and this usually shows that illness, pain or injury has been inflicted in these areas. The problem is that should you unwittingly come across a Voodoo Doll, how can you successfully get rid of it?

Why you Have to Be Careful

We do have a guide on spotting signs someone is hurting you with voodoo but even if the doll isn’t directly made for you, getting rid of it should be handled with care.

A Voodoo Doll is not just ‘any old toy doll’ and even if you bought it from a car boot sale or have just found it discarded somewhere, it does not mean that you cannot simply toss the Voodoo Doll in the dustbin. In recent years, Voodoo Dolls have been widely available in many souvenir shops and tourist kiosks, so you may even find yourself the recipient of a Voodoo Doll as a gift. However you obtained the doll, It is not advisable to bury the doll on your land and nor should you remove any pins (there could be up to seven in different colors) or other trimmings from the doll – as you could inadvertently hurt the person that it resembles.

Voodoo Removal Ritual

Before we get too far into this, consider taking our magick ability test. We can help pinpoint your strengths and improve the potency of your magickal protection. We also have some potent examples of voodoo (and variants of voodoo) in our coven’s book of spells. Yes, voodoo is more misunderstood than you might have thought and the religion has a rich history.

We’re going to focus on getting rid of the voodoo doll safely but I think it’s important to know that voodoo itself isn’t the harmful black magick it’s made out to be in movies and TV.

Voodoo is a very misunderstood religion with a rich history.

There are a number of rituals to help you to be parted successfully from the Voodoo doll and this one seems to be successful.

In preparation for getting rid of your Voodoo Doll, you should sprinkle the doll with salt and then place it in a white cotton bag. Once you have done this, place the bag in a dark place and plan carefully for the next stage of its disposal. Experts say that the Voodoo Doll should be taken as far as possible from your home as possible and ideally to a wood with a stream that has fast running water. These are the steps that should be followed;-

  1. Bury the bag containing the Voodoo Doll under a pile of rocks and stones in the running water.
  2. Bury some offerings with the doll. One of the offerings should be a piece of fruit, the other some coins – these can be from any country worldwide.
  3. It is very important to bury the doll well so that it cannot be seen from the bank.
  4. Repeat: ‘I call on the spirits of the trees and this flowing water to change the bad energy using the powers of the soil’
  5. Once you have done this, leave the spot – without looking back.
  6. This is a very private event and should not be spoken about and certainly not described on social media.

Once you return home you should either cleanse your body in a protection bath made with bay leaves, rosemary and rue- the sacred cleansing herb. The herbs are made into an infusion which is added to the bathwater. Light a white protection candle for seven days as this will ensure that you have both good luck and fortune.

What if You Have Been Cursed by a Voodoo Doll?

If you feel that your life is being cursed by a Voodoo Doll it is essential that you try and take possession of the doll. The very fact that you suspect that a Voodoo effigy has been created of you, will lead you to suspect who is casting the black magic against you. If you can act to find the doll it will be very beneficial to do so sooner rather than later as the spells used will really mess you up physically and mentally.

Try and watch the person you suspect from a safe distance and establish their routine over a few days. Once you are confident that you know their daily schedule, try and get into their home as soon as they have left it. The Voodoo Doll will probably be in the room where the black magic is performed but it could be hidden behind a piece of furniture such as a bookcase or even somewhere clever like a secret compartment in a wall with wood paneling. If you feel that you are not strong enough to undertake such a thing, you will need to seek the help of another Voodoo Master.

If you are successful in finding the effigy, place it very carefully in a box without disturbing any of the needles or personal trinkets as these could cause you pain. Seek the help of another Voodoo Practitioner who will be able to reverse any spells that have been cast, neutralize the power of the Voodoo Doll and give it a complete cleansing. Once they are completely happy that the doll has been rendered useless they will burn it and cast some protection spells to keep you safe.

If whilst you are searching for your Voodoo effigy, you come across the effigy of the evil Voodoo witch, take it to Voodoo Master who is going to help break the spells that have been cast on you and render your effigy powerless. Once they have completed these important tasks, they will set fire to the effigy of the Voodoo witch and once they have done this, that will definitely be the ultimate end to all your trouble.

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